Dennison asked excellent questions in response to How to Do Usability Testing Cheap and Fast:
Tell me if I follow correctly: Do you do the test only on users that have their own PC with them? So if you happen to be in a store where nobody has a machine or is willing to take the test, then, tough luck?
Why worry about having the users test in their own environment (PC)? The focus of the test is on usability. Testing to see if the site works properly across different systems should be part of QA work and can be done separately.
Bill Moore from RadioTime responded:
Web Site Drop Down Menus
While we’re seeing more drop down menus on web sites, designers don’t always do what’s best for the users. How many times has a drop down menu unexpectedly popped up and you try to make a selection only to have it disappear? It doesn’t matter if a person has arthritis or other hand mobility issues, … Read more