The Fear that Holds Creative Writers Back

This entry’s prize is from the author: One custom banner for a blog or web site created to the winner’s specs and preferences, valued at $200. Men with Pens ask for a 7 to 10 day turnaround from the point that the winner transmits her/his specs. We’re also giving away two copies of Ricochet Infinity … Read more

How Much Should I Charge for Writing?

How often do you get an e-mail from a prospect who asks, “I need help with my web site’s content” or “I need five articles on such ‘n’ such topic”… “How much do you charge?” Web content — one page takes less time than five pages. Even one page can vary depending on the page’s … Read more

Question Your Work

37signals asks eight questions before, during, and sometimes after working on a project or task. These questions work well for writers and other freelancers. Those of us who work solo rarely have anyone to check with us to make sure we’re on the right track. So we need to help ourselves figure out if we’re … Read more

10 Overused Game Journalism Cliches

When I first started doing casual game reviews, praising or picking apart a game came easy. Now, when writing game reviews, I feel like I’ve said it all before. The top 10 game journalism cliches (article no longer available) captures the challenges game reviewers face. Here is the list along with my comments. 1. Top … Read more

Book Review: The Street-Smart Writer

The introduction says it well. “I wish there were no need for this book.” Unfortunately, there are enough scams and untrustworthy folks in the writing industry to warrant a book on the subject. I’d like to think I know better, but I got suckered when I was as a college student who loved the idea … Read more