Adventures of Reading a Book on a Kindle

My book club met the day before I headed to Boston. While we planned out the 12 months of reads, we had a little change up because someone left the book club. Most of us weren’t enthusiastic about the departed member’s choice. Instead, we moved October’s book to September, and November’s to October and so … Read more

Book Review: Sell Your Book on Amazon

Despite a way too long subtitle and “salesy” claims, Sell Your Book on Amazon surprises. Its format simplifies finding the sections of interest – couple that with the ratings from five stars indicating “a must do” item to one star meaning “Don’t waste your time.” Authors who publish their books using a print-on-demand (POD) service … Read more

Amazon Feedback and Marketplace Usability

I was reviewing feedback left for a Marketplace seller. Here are a couple of snippets: “Great book for new moms to be! “Excellent book!” “Great book…” “Great quality…” “Great product…” This person is a book seller. He doesn’t publish books or sell e-books. So if a person buys a book from him and the book … Read more