Traditional Publishing to ePublishing: What you need to know

Guest post by Margaret Norton Five years ago, when I started thinking about writing my first book, most people recommended a traditional publisher rather than self-publishing. I took that advice many times, but since then I’ve wondered if I made the right choice. One year after my book was released, I terminated my relationship with … Read more

Books vs. Library vs. Ebooks

For the past few years, I’ve been more cautious about things I buy and keep. Part of it, I attribute to my dad’s passing. He left behind a massive Donald Duck collection thanks to friends and family spoiling him with the Disney character he often imitated to make children laugh. Plus, why have all that … Read more

Adventures of Reading a Book on a Kindle

My book club met the day before I headed to Boston. While we planned out the 12 months of reads, we had a little change up because someone left the book club. Most of us weren’t enthusiastic about the departed member’s choice. Instead, we moved October’s book to September, and November’s to October and so … Read more

Books and eBooks: Keep or Purge?

Image via Wikipedia Joel Capparella asked a great question in Twitter. “After you’ve read a book, do you purge it or keep it?” My reply, “Purge fiction. Keep nonfiction.” Of course, if I hated the book, out it goes. @RobertHruzek: I keep it if I like it. I’ve still got books from forever ago! @Vanessa_LW: … Read more