Move Visitors Past the Home Page without Leaving

How often does this scenario happen to you? When you land on a Web site, it doesn’t instantly answer the most important question: What is the Web site about? The second question depends on the site. For business sites: “What does the business do?” For blogs: “What is the topic of the blog?” My blog … Read more

Pitches: Lessons in What Not to Do

Mission statements, vision statements, and goals: Where is it written they have to use fancy words and be a mile long? If they aren’t memorable, how can you expect your employees to implement them and your prospects to understand your objectives? Most of us struggled to determine which message each company’s CEO pitched. Many of … Read more

Visions, Missions, Positioning, and other Statements

I never wanted to start a business. The thought of managing all the administrative stuff like accounting, legal, and other stuff turned me off. I like doing my job and focusing all of my energies there. Surprising as that’s what I am doing today… managing my own business. It’s a one-person business and I manage … Read more