4 More Tips for a Good Twitter Experience

Although Twitter hasn’t done much for my writing business, it keeps me in touch with friends and colleagues. It did contribute to my previous post. I decided to ask twitterville what they did whenever they become lethargic when they need to write. It worked well.
As much as I’d like to regularly ask questions, overdoing it could lead to the opposite results.
Also picked up a few more tips — in addition to the seven tips already posted — to make Twitter work for you.

  1. Pick the right name that’s short as possible and stick with it.
  2. Take care in using Twitter tools like Twhirl or else you won’t get work done.
  3. Ask open-ended questions.
  4. Skip the “tile” for the background image in your design unless you like to make people dizzy or it works (but very few people make it work).

Most importantly, keep participating (already mentioned in the first seven twitter tips). Twitter doesn’t work if you sit there hoping someone will @you.
That name thing came from a lesson learned. First, I signed up on twitter as “ContentMaven” since Meryl was taken. After using twitter for a few days, I realized that people might not know who I was as my name showed up no where.
Sure, the URL to my Web site was there, but you have to go to that person’s twitter page to see it. Besides, we don’t always pay attention to URLs. I changed the name to “MerylKEvans” since most people used first and last names. Another dumb move, but too late to change again.

  1. Many people misspell “Meryl.”
  2. They might not notice the “K” in there. Call me weird, but I need my K! My middle and maiden names both start with K and “Meryl Evans” looks like it’s missing something.
  3. It’s long for remembering and typing @name on a phone or without checking twitter.
  4. Names count in the 140 character count when people @respond to you.

Changing your name is almost like starting over. So, pick the right name and as short as possible.
What twitter tips have you picked up?

2 thoughts on “4 More Tips for a Good Twitter Experience”

  1. Twitter update inventory concept: Every update you add to your Twitter account is part of what I call your “Twitter Update Inventory”.

    More Twitter updates = more content that can attract more people who will find you via search…and thus, follow you.

    Want to build your Twitter platform faster? Add more value-delivering updates to build your Twitter inventory.

  2. Great tips, Chris. Agree on your value updates comments.

    Who cares what I ate for breakfast or when I woke up? I ask and answer questions — take a genuine interest in folks.

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