I started writing a post about Twitter this morning. Then I realized, the post would work for one of my clients and moved it there. My clients come first, which makes it harder to produce high-quality blog entries for my own blog.
And I am not about to abandon this place after nine years.
So how do I balance blogging here and blogging for clients/publications when our audience is the same? Not all of my clients have the same target audience, but a couple do.
That’s one reason why I don’t blog as often. I share good and fun finds on link Fridays. It looks like y’all like ’em based on your feedback. Thank you!
So what to cover when you blog elsewhere?
- Put you in the post: When blogging for clients, you may not share your background and experiences as much as you can for your own blog.
- Share stories and experiences: Right now I am sharing a story of my struggles to blog here and there while maintaining high standards.
- Make lists: Favorite / top tools, applications, etc.
- Interview an expert: I am sure there are experts who fit your blog better than your clients.
- Write how-to / tutorial: Some tutorials I do won’t fit client pubs. I do how-tos on other sites, but it’s the topic that can make a difference.
- Update entries: Most likely, you can’t update your posts on a regular basis that you publish on the client’s blog or web site. This refers to lists and information that will receive regular updates.
- Discuss personal beliefs: Most likely client doesn’t want you to post such things (unless that’s what the blog is about). This can also be a show of support to nonprofits, struggling countries and so on.
- Share lessons learned: Here’s a great opportunity to tell a story. Be creative!
- Review new tool, app, web site, book, product.
- Respond to another blog post: Instead of leaving a comment, use it as an opportunity to write a new post.
- Share problems: Struggling with something in your business or personal life? Share it. Maybe it’ll help you find answers or readers will have ideas.
- Ask questions: Turn a blog post into a discussion topic. Kick it off with your entry and pray comments come. Or post the questions on Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn and add the answers to the blog post.
- Observe life around you: Something is bound to inspire. Or maybe you can tie it with a lesson.
- Talk about a conversation: I have fascinating conversations and discover new things on Twitter and other social networks that would make a great post.
- Answer common questions: Do you receive similar questions? Post your answer and now you can send people to the post when they ask the question. People often ask me how to become a writer, which inspired the post.
What other ways or topics can you find inspiration for your blog to keep it alive and first-rate when you blog for others?
Thank goodness you are around. I’ve been struggling with this a little bit and I’ve had no idea how to handle the problem.
I had never even considered almost all of these – Problem solved!
.-= Tumblemoose’s blog …Is your writing blog a success? =-.
@George, my pleasure. It’s always a struggle, but I am determined to deliver value here even though I contribute elsewhere. Such a tough thing to do! That’s why I don’t pressure myself to blog too often. Just enough.
This is an excellent post Meryl. “Observe life around you.” That is SO important. It is easy to get caught up in doing, doing, doing and not really seeing where you are going. So much is missed in the rush.
Great post and exactly what I have been looking for. Since I started blogging for clients I have unfortunately let me own blog slide. Thanks to your solid advice I now have some great ideas for new posts now.
.-= Amanda Evans’s blog …Finding Freelance Writing Jobs =-.