Are You Memorable?

Donald Duck ClockAsk anyone between the ages of 13 and 30 who knew my dad to share something they remember about him. Most will reply with “talking like Donald Duck.” Walk in to the office in my mother’s house and Donald Duck greets you from every direction beginning with the large bright yellow latch-hook picture of Donald Duck on the wall.
I don’t know how Dad started this Donald Duck talk business, but it’s one of those things many people remember about him. His wife, three kids, and friends showered him with Donald Duck gifts for years.
Accidentally Memorable
I also have one thing that makes me memorable. No, I don’t imitate any famous characters. No, I don’t perform magic tricks. This one came with the package that the doctor delivered to my mother when I arrived. I was born deaf only no one knew the little secret until around my first birthday.
Despite years of speech therapy and repeating nonsensical sounds, I have a deaf accent . Whenever I met a new teacher or professor, I often introduced myself in the first class explaining that I read lips and will sit in the best place where I can see the teacher. I joked that I could never skip class because the professors would notice the deaf one didn’t show up.
In eighth grade, my drama teacher asked me if I was Michael’s little sister. This may not sound shocking … until you hear that we’re 10 years apart. Imagine all the students in 10 years who came through her door before I did. When she taught my brother, I was just three years old — not exactly recognizable from a photo. Michael showed her a photo of three-year-old me when I wore the clunky hearing aid in a box on my chest. Would she have remembered me without it?
What makes you or your company memorable?
You don’t need to run off and take lessons on how to imitate a famous character. As outgoing as my dad was, I can’t imagine him pulling out the Donald Duck trick in a business meeting. It could be a a clothing accessory that stands out, a company mascot, smashing customer service or a well-written email newsletter.
What helps you remember a company? How does your stand out?

3 thoughts on “Are You Memorable?”

  1. I once had a university professor tell me that you can’t hide when you are a redhead! So, I think that I am memorable not only for my hair, but I also make myself memorable by remembering the names of those I meet, along with taking a genuine interest int personal details they tell me. Asking how someone’s child or mother is doing has gone a long way in establishing working relationships.

  2. Barbara — what’s most memorable about you?
    Krysty — those are great ways to be memorable. I have a weird fear of saying people’s names because I’m afraid somehow I’ll get it wrong even if I know it.

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