Blog Action Day 2009: Climate Change

Blog Action Day 2009Blog Action Day is an annual event that unites the world’s bloggers in posting about the same issue on the same day. Our aim is to raise awareness to trigger a global discussion.” This year’s topic of global importance is climate change. Why climate change?
“Climate change affects us all and it threatens more than the environment. It threatens to cause famine, flooding, war, and millions of refugees. Given the urgency of the issue of climate change and the upcoming international climate negotiations in Copenhagen this December, we think the blogosphere has the unique opportunity to mobilize millions of people around expressing support for finding a sustainable solution to the climate crisis.”
How can writers help with climate change? Create a query to your favorite publication that addresses climate change and its impact on the readers. Think about how the publication’s readers can help solve the problem of climate change or educate them about the problems.
In the meantime, here are some suggestions based on the type of publication to warm you up:
Technology: Standards, companies and products that will help companies cut their carbon footprint as well as how to make the most out of their use.
Business: How businesses can support the problem of climate change in their strategy and goals. Cover the benefits for businesses to pursue this. For example, more customers elect to invest in ecologically-supportive companies.
Family and parenting: What can families do to make a difference. Provide a list of easy and fast things to do.
Politics: Discuss current laws and standards or those undergoing review that affect climate change.
Entertainment: What Hollywood is doing to educate the public on climate change in movies or television shows. Talk about celebrities who are pushing for support.
Sports: Report on professional sports teams that have taken steps to improve their turf from an ecological standpoint. Not just turf as in floor material, but also home turf.
Find experts who might give you a great starting point for ideas on how to help and educate your readers. Let them know you want to do a story on climate change for [publication’s topic] audience. Ask them if they can help with ideas on how your readers can make a difference.
What other ways can writers make a difference?

1 thought on “Blog Action Day 2009: Climate Change”

  1. Merryl,
    Kudos for your participation in this important event (unfortunately, I missed it myself).
    Global warming is an important issue and whilst there may be some degree of doubt with regard to the science surrounding the issue, I certainly feel that the consequences are more than sufficient to warrant the taking of whatever action we reasonably can in order to reduce its impact.
    .-= Andrew’s blog …Google books – let a wonderful innovation go full steam ahead =-.


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