Train the Brain

I believe it’s true that exercising your brain keeps your mind sharp. Nintendo has released a handful of excellent games for its Gameboy DS that attract the Baby Boomers. Thanks to games like Brain Age and Big Brain Academy, my mom who never got into video games, asked for a Gameboy DS! Poor Mom, Nintendo released the lite not long after Mother’s Day when she received her DS.
Touch Generation logoNintendo notes these games with an orange G. These reference Touch Generations brand for nontraditional games. These attract Baby Boomers, seniors and folks like me who enjoy puzzles and challenges. Certainly, children can play them, but they often prefer the traditional games. The strategy paid off.
Though I don’t have much time for games, I hope to get my own DS. My son (Happy Birthday) has a DS, but it’s gross as kids have sticky hands and don’t care about keeping gadgets clean. I’m waiting to see if Nintendo plans to release the larger screen of the DS (it’s getting frustrating to see the company keep rolling out variations of the DS: first one, lite and now maybe larger screens — the company hasn’t confirmed).
The article also mentioned Happy Neurons, but I was disappointed to see it’s a service — not something you can download and play whenever. Services don’t work for all of us and they drain our pocketbooks. I emailed the company asking about the possibility of download programs. Hey, maybe Nintendo could turn these games into a Touch Generations game.

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