Podcasting, Technology and Isolation

While podcasting is low on my list of things to follow, an article caught my eye. A local PTA is using podcasting to record its general meetings so those who can’t attend can get up to speed.
Most of the time, general meetings follow with a program consisting of a speaker on an education-related topic or the children perform for their parents. Recording the meeting gives people a chance to hear the speaker and learn more about the topic or parents to have a recording of their children’s program.
On the flip side, will podcasts prevent people from attending meetings? The article states it won’t because it means missing out on the interactions and asking questions. Things brings up an important point — is technology isolating us?
For me, technology brings me closer to people more often than in an in-person group event. But that’s probably because of my hearing loss. Technology is wonderful, but we want to ensure it doesn’t cut us off from each other.
Last week, I attended an in person meeting with a local client. Though I feel uneasy about meeting someone in person for the first time (because of concerns whether I will be able to understand the person), the meeting accomplished more than if we had discussions by e-mail.
Since most of my clients aren’t local, it isn’t a problem. But it illustrates the value of connecting with others in-person.